Deepika Padukone lookalike porn stars and doppelgangers

Deepika Padukone
Deepika Padukone
Deepika Padukone, born on January 5, 1986, is an Indian actress who mainly acts in Hindi movies. She's one of the highest-earning actresses in India and has won three Filmfare Awards. She's really famous in India, and in 2018, Time magazine included her in their list of the 100 most powerful people in the world. In 2022, she got the Time100 Impact Award from Time magazine. So, FindPornFace team collected a list of porn stars and adult models who look like Deepika Padukone by using our face recognition engine.

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Aadila Dosani
Similarity: 56%
American porn star who looks much like Deepika Padukone and has the same body style. She is still active, go check her out!
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Abany Ferrari
Similarity: 46%
Check out how similar this Brazilian pornstar's figure is to Deepika Padukone! It's undeniable that she's hot.
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