Chantel Zales lookalike porn stars and doppelgangers

Chantel Zales
Chantel Zales
Chantel Zales is a lingerie and fashion model from America who has appeared in magazines such as FHM, Lowrider, and Maxim. She is known for posting explicit photos on her Instagram and OnlyFans pages, but she is also a fitness expert and fashion designer. FindPornFace team collected a list of Porn stars and Adult models who look like Chantel Zales by using our face recognition API.

Similar Porn Stars and Adult models:

Azzra Hughes
Similarity: 98%
This is the perfect match! She's the closest babe to Chantel. Look at their similarities, you can't deny it.
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Andrea Jarova
Similarity: 94%
Looks like we've got ourselves another doppelganger! This time it's a smokin' hot centerfold all the way from Slovakia, with a pair of lovely boobs that are a perfect C cup.
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Dana Allen
Similarity: 93%
Another Chantel doppelganger, this one with brown eyes and blonde hair. The good news is that she is still working today.
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Kayla Kupcakes
Similarity: 90%
This doppelganger looks exactly like Chantel when she gets old. Definitely a hot mama though, guaranteed.
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